Uniting Hearts,
Connecting Minds!
One World, One Family!
News & Updates

Governing & Regulatory Body

Board of Directors:
  • Global Reddy Sangam is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members.
  • The Board oversees the Sangam/Society’s operations, finances, fulfillment of its vision and missions, strategic direction, and service offerings.
  • The board is responsible for ensuring compliance with the policies and By-Laws.
Board Composition:

The Board will consist of a designated number of members elected by the active members, along with potential ex-officio members representing key areas like legal counsel, financial advisors, present or past Indian or US government representatives, entrepreneurs, and so on.

Board Elections:
  • Board elections will be held yearly or as agreed by the board and seconded by the members.
  • Active members are encouraged to participate in the nomination and voting process in every board election and meeting.
Board Meetings:
  • Meetings are held quarterly, with additional meetings called as and when necessary.
  • Meetings are always open to active members in good standing, with designated notices and chances for public comment, news, and updates.
  • The Board of Directors, at board meetings or as when required, may establish standing or ad-hoc committees to address specific areas of focus within Global Reddy Sangam or at times.
  • These committees may involve volunteers with relevant expertise and members who express vocal or written passion about contributing to specific initiatives.
  • The structure and responsibilities of the committees are clearly defined by the board. The members are involved and duly notified.
  • The Policies and By-Laws can be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors, with written notice provided to the members in advance at board meetings.
  • That notice shall be circulated among the members either in print or electronic form or both.
  • The proposed amendments to the Policies and By-Laws will be presented at members' meetings or disseminated electronically for review and voting.
  • A quorum will be established for voting purposes, ensuring fair representation of the members.
Dispute Resolution:

Global Reddy Sangam prioritizes fostering unity, and a harmonious and respectful environment. However, in the event of any disputes between members or between members and Global Reddy Sangam, those disputes will be addressed in an ethical, respectful, and harmonious manner.

Global Reddy Sangam is committed to resolving every dispute fairly and effectively through a multi-step process:
  • Informal Resolution: Initially, an attempt will be made to resolve the dispute informally through open communication, arbitration, and mediation facilitated by one or more or all the designated members of the Board of Directors being present at such an event
  • Formal Grievance Procedure: If an informal resolution is not achieved, a formal grievance procedure will be initiated. This process involves a defined timeline for submitting grievances, the formation of a review committee to investigate the matter, and a written decision outlining the outcome.
  • Appeal Process: Any aggrieved or affected Member or members will have the right to appeal the decision of the review committee to the Board of Directors. This process continues until proper justice is served and all the parties to the matter are satisfied or until the board. Orally or in written form, declares the completion of solving such disputes.
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